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interruption of business中文是什么意思

用"interruption of business"造句"interruption of business"怎么读"interruption of business" in a sentence


  • 营业停止


  • In no event shall seller be liable for any loss of profits , loss of use , interruption of business , or indirect , special or consequential damages of any kind
  • The vulnerability there depends not only on the potential direct damage such as damages of engineering structures and infrastructures , losses of property and the death or injury of victims , but also on the potential indirect damage such as interruption of business , reduction of output , induced fires and emotional stress on victim families
  • Under no circumstances does centalic accept any responsibility for any possible damage - direct , indirect , special or of any other type - resulting from the use of this website , or any other website to which the user may be directed from this one , including , but not limited to , any loss of profit , interruption of business , loss of programs or other data from the information processed in the user s system , even if we have been expressly warned of the possibility of such damage
用"interruption of business"造句  
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